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Thursday, June 2, 2011  

Food Distributors and America's Nutritional Trends

According to a new study commissioned by the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) almost half of respondents hold food manufacturers responsible for the nutritional content of their foods.

This makes sense. After all, foods considered "healthy" or "nutritious" have become very popular in the last 20 years. Consumers are willing to pay more for foods that they think are better for them, but the implicit understanding is that the foods they are purchasing are actually good for them.

In a world where definitions of "healthy" are constantly evolving, this can be difficult for food manufacturers to manage.

For example, there was a time when white sugar was demonized by low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diets. Now, however, the recent "natural" craze has made standard sugar much more popular than many artificial sweeteners, or even less traditional sweeteners like corn syrup.

This is where wholesale food distributors come in.

Wholesale food distributors that offer fresh products and fast shipping can allow manufacturers the kind of speed and flexibility that the market demands. Many food distributors also feature food "specialists" who can help manufacturers choose the appropriate products, in the right amounts, and get it shipped with greater efficiency.

Finally, American based food distributors can offer their clients a fresher product and faster delivery. And fresh, delicious food is always popular, no matter what kind of trends food manufacturers are facing today.

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